Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About General Chang

6. Not Totally A Villain?

General Chang
Pocket Books

A.C. Crispin's novel Sarek is set after the events of Star Trek VI. Here, it is suggested that the leaders of the Klingon Conspiracy were subtly influenced by the Romulans telepathically, which puts a new slant on Chang's role in the killings.

Ambassador Sarek discovers that the Freelans, a member race of the Federation, have been working behind the scenes with Vulcan aides to control key figures in the quadrant. They have managed to take control of several key ranking Klingon officials, bringing the Empire to the brink of war with Starfleet again. Peter Kirk, the nephew of James T, is kidnapped by the Klingons, but manages to escape - while falling in love with one of his captors.

Sarek, with the help of Spock, manages to expose the Romulan involvement in the conspiracy and end hostilities between the two in the nick of time. These events would go on to be essential in the Khitomer accords themselves. Chang, while not exonerated in this story, is however mentioned as one of those Klingons who may have been controlled by the Freelans. If that is the case, then his patriotism and loyalty may not have ever wavered - he simply found that they took on a new meaning.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick