Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About T'Pol

2. La Femme Nikita Inspired A Episode That Reveals Her Backstory

Star Trek Tpol Hair
Gaumont Film Company

The episode The Seventh sees T'Pol assigned the task of hunting Menos, a former Vulcan reconnaissance agent who went rogue. This is actually a mission that she had begun in the years before serving aboard Enterprise, when she was a part of the Vulcan Ministry of Security. It is revealed that she would be assigned missions to bring fugitives to justice, a story inspired by Luc Besson's film.

La Femme Nikita sees a young, homeless junkie named Nikita caught up in a murder. She is imprisoned, then blackmailed into working with a shadowy agency as a contract killer. Though she is skilled at her work, it quickly interferes with her hopes for a personal life, leading to some very difficult decisions.

While the two stories are not identical, the theme of the job one can't turn down being the thing to threaten their established lives and identity is. There is a further detail, in that while Nikita deals with the trauma of her former life, T'Pol actively saught to run from it. She underwent Fullara, a ritual designed to purge the memory of killing, which leads to a shocking revelation as the episode goes on.

Nikita's story ends with her escaping from her work with the agency, while T'Pol's ends with a resolution to her former life.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick