Star Trek: 10 Times Chief O'Brien Suffered

6. Extreme Measures

Chief O'Brien

Extreme Measures is, ironically, one of the less extreme examples of O'Brien suffering on this list. As this is primarily a Bashir episode, much of the focus follows Alexander Siddig and William Sadler, with Meaney's O'Brien there to serve as a well needed glass of cold water to splash on his best friend's face.

However, this episode is an excellent example, one that truly began with Armageddon Game, of the suffering that O'Brien went through while friends with Julian Bashir. Season four's Hippocratic Oath is another fine example of this, though it is here that they come the closest to death.

This episode featured a challenge for Colm Meaney and Alexander Siddig as well. While the two men are trapped in Sloan's mind, Bashir begins to discuss the fact that while he loves Ezri Dax, he likes O'Brien more, then tries to encourage O'Brien to tell him the same in return. Neither actor liked the scene very much, feeling that it was forced, with Meaney, in particular, stating that he believed O'Brien would always stay 'true' to Keiko in this sense.

They worked on the scene with Ira Steven Behr, altered it slightly, and it becomes one of the funnier moments in an otherwise dark outing.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick