Star Trek: 10 Ways To Do A Crossover With Star Wars

4. The Wormhole Aliens, a.k.a. The Prophets


So there€™s this wormhole in Deep Space Nine€™s backyard that leads all the way the hell out to the Gamma Quadrant, which is like really far away. But for our purposes, we€™re not interested in where the wormhole goes, but rather what€™s living inside it.

See there€™s these aliens in there, who the Bajoran people call the Prophets, and they€™re described as extra-dimensional entities. And since Starfleet Captain Benjamin Sisko is BFF with these aliens being their Emissary and all, he could probably fly a Runabout in there and be like €œHey guys, can you zap me into the Star Wars dimension? I really want to meet Admiral Ackbar in person.€ It€™s the least they could do, really.


David Bailey is a creative advertising professional who moonlights as a Private Investigative Journalist. He currently resides in Los Angeles and enjoys receiving haircuts and eating sandwiches. You may find him on twitter @TheRingaDingKid.