Star Trek 2023 Movie: 8 Things We Want To See

7. Time Travel

Star Trek Kelvin
Paramount Pictures

For almost as long as there have been rumours and stories about a fourth Kelvin Timeline film, there have been reports of Chris Hemsworth reprising his role.

Despite the importance of the character in Kirk's narrative, much of the excitement stems from Hemsworth's star having rising as Thor. Today, though Pine would still be the star of the film, his Aussie counterpart more than matches him on the A-list.

Time Travel was the catalyst for creating this universe so it would hardly be a left-turn for the film to take. Much of the younger Kirk's story is defined by the shadow of his father's sacrifice. How then would George Kirk 'the man' live up to George Kirk 'the idea'?

There needs to be a reason to bring the two men together again. Hemsworth only had a few minutes to make an impact on the franchise, so his character sheet is wide open for interpretation. Though unlikely, having the two men meet could serve as a way to reboot the franchise, though this may be anathema to the Kelvin Timeline itself.

Love it or hate it, Hemsworth's Kirk is semi-responsible for the current timeline. (Though Nero has his fair share of blame there too!)

More than ten years have passed since the first Kelvin film - this fourth film could and should serve as the tribute to this series that it deserves. For this, George Kirk the perfect viewpoint character to bring back.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick