Star Trek 3: 10 Directors Who Could Replace JJ Abrams

8. Edgar Wright

edgarwright600Why He Should: Huge nerd and pop culture-obsessed English director Edgar Wright has already proven his worth as far as quality filmmaking goes - both Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are considered modern gems. Wright has also shown us recently that he can work effectively with special effects and existing properties with Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. And given that he's already set to take on Ant-Man for Marvel at some point in the future, the prospect of him directing something huge like this is increased. Wright is also a director with great attention to detail, a trait likely to please Star Trek fans. Why He Shouldn't: Admittedly, he's a major Star Wars fan, and Star Trek might be too political and militant for a man of Edgar Wright's less-serious tastes. His unique, kinetic style might also jar somewhat with the "clean" style that J.J. Abrams has already established. Overall Probability: 4/10
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All-round pop culture obsessive.