Star Trek 3: 10 Directors Who Could Replace JJ Abrams

2. Matt Reeves

urlWhy He Should: Perhaps not a case of whether he should, but whether he could, since Matt Reeves is well-integrated in the J.J. Abrams circle of love, having directed the Abrams-produced hit Cloverfield. It's likely that as a result of his association, Abrams - serving as producer - would feel comfortable putting somebody he can trust in the driver's seat for the third installment. And Reeves actually has an impressive track record, what with Cloverfield itself, a movie that proves he is adept with SFX, and Let Me In, which showcases the director's talent for quiet, emotive moments that will likely find a place in Star Trek 3. Why He Shouldn't: Despite the fact that Reeves is tackling the sequel to Rise of the Planet of the Apes next, he's arguably not ready for something as beloved as Star Trek given that he's still relatively unknown. Overall Probability: 6/10
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