Star Trek 3: 10 Things We Want From Star Trek Into Darkness Sequel

8. Uhura & Spock Relationship

Star Trek Into Darkness One of the more disappointing aspects of Into Darkness for me was the rather insipid treatment of the Uhura/Spock romance that first began to blossom in the 2009 Trek. The seeds were sewn quite nicely in that film, but here it's largely reduced to a series of cringe-inducing comedy punch-lines, with Uhura playing the nagging girlfriend while Spock plays the sterotypically apathetic boyfriend. It might rouse a few gritted-teeth laughs, but it made for probably the film's worst effort at humour, and just reduced their relationship to pure silliness. Given how distressed Uhura clearly was when Spock was in danger, and how much she cares, hopefully Abrams and co. can return to something a little more emotionally fulfilling for Trek 3 (while still retaining some humour, of course), wherein we actually see them communicating in a vaguely relatable way.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]