Star Trek: 5 Awesome Movie Villain Performances And 5 That Sucked

1. Ricardo Montalban As Khan Noonian Singh (Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan)

Ricardo-Montalban-Khan-Star-Trek-2 Everything from the voice like old leather to the way he subtly gestured but conveyed everything he was thinking, Ricardo Montalban stole the show in Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan. When we first saw him in the Original Series episode €˜Space Seed,€™ his main drive was his superiority complex and his desire to control and conquer the Enterprise. Having been a dictator on Earth and then spent 2 centuries cryogenically frozen, he awoke in the same mindset. However, 20 years later, he has spent time marooned on a desolate planet. His wife and most of his friends are dead and he blames James T. Kirk for it all. His ego has been hurt, like he said, €˜€™200 years ago, I was a prince with power over millions.€™€™ It€™s a long way to fall for a prince, to be hiding out in a storage container on a planet inhospitable as Ceti Alpha 5. Ricardo Montalban said he played Khan differently in the Wrath Of Khan, his motivation was pure revenge, he had been driven insane and all he cared about was Kirk. If you watch Space Seed and then Wrath Of Khan, you can see the transition clearly. The smug superiority changes to simmering anger. He might be a tyrant but if you put yourself in his shoes, it is totally believable. Montalban as Khan remains the villain that writers for most of the subsequent Star Trek movies have tried to emulate, but ultimately failed. You can see why, Montalban€™s performance (much like in all his films) is the definition of €˜€™nailing it,€™€™ but it€™s hard to copy and that is why villains like Shinzon in Star Trek: Nemesis ultimately failed to live up to their potential. Khan goes down as one of cinema€™s all time greatest villains from a film that is still considered the best Star Trek movie. For a film that is 30 years old and one that€™s had a lot of competition, it€™s not bad going and Montalban deserves some of the credit. And now for the 5 that sucked......

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.