Star Trek Beyond: 25 Easter Eggs, References & In-Jokes

22. Was That A Wig Joke?

Star Trek Beyond Easter Eggs

In the early exchange between McCoy and Kirk in his personal quarters when Kirk attempts to hide the fact that it's his birthday (despite it also being on the same day of his father's death - a massive moment in Federation History) the two share dialogue that definitely feels like a dig at William Shatner.

The pair discuss Kirk's future in Starfleet, and mention him at least not having bad eyesight and a full head of hair. Not only is that a call-back to a similar conversation they shared in The Wrath of Khan, it also seems like a cheeky jab at Shatner's apparent use of a wig by the time he was Pine's age in Star Trek.

We've also heard Kirk's complaints about his birthday before (and Bones' criticism of them):


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