Star Trek Beyond: 5 Ups And 3 Downs (The Science Edition)

Bonus: It's A Sabotage

The customary Sabotage scene - not realistic but gets a pass because it’s just plain cool.

This is neither an up nor a down, but the Sabotage climax of the movie? Still into it.

So the idea is that the 90s jam would interrupt the "unified cyberpathic coordination" systems of the swarm. The sound waves are converted into VHF (Very High Frequency) radio waves (bonus points for using the correct term there) because, obviously, sound can't travel through space. So far so good.

Okay technically, to convert it into radio wave frequencies, the three minute long Beastie Boys song would be shortened to a fraction of a second and technically you could have broadcast any old noise. And okay, it's a bit ludicrous that super advanced spacecraft would burst into flames/crash into each other upon contact with VHF waves, seeing as it's the frequency we broadcast television in.

But Star Trek has always been a bit dorky, and if they want to go along with the idea that, not only is Sabotage the most badass song in the galaxy, but it can destroy fleets in a technobabble kinda way, then it's all the the trekkie spirit and I'm with them all the way.

What did you think of Star Trek Beyond? Let us know in the comments.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.