Star Trek Beyond Trailer Breakdown: 35 Things You Need To See

19. Motorbike Bandits

Next we get a shot of Kirk in what appears to be an alien settlement on the planet's surface. Somehow - and this is where it starts getting a bit silly - he's suddenly come into possession of what appears to be a 1940s or '50s motorbike. First question: what the actual f*ck? Second question: how is something that is supposed to look like a vintage motorbike able to fly like a motorcross bike gracefully through the air? As science will tell you, it's not possible.
The settlement is interesting; it's very clearly referenced by the Original Series and it does feel a little like this is actually an arena of sorts. Surely this isn't going to be a reference to "Journey To Babel?" There's something about those overhead wires that are distinctly circus like. Maybe that's just the optimistic Planet Hulk in me looking for any film to follow in the footsteps of John Carter and have everyone fight for sport.
the green lightening is particularly interesting too. A defence? A boundary to the arena?

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