Star Trek: Every Starfleet Starship Class Ranked Worst To Best

31. Oberth

Star Trek Voyager

The Oberth class of vessel was a science vessel that was in service from the late 23rd century through to the mid 24th century. The USS Grissom was the first ship that was seen, exploring the newly created Genesis Planet. It was the perfect design for scientific exploration, however it was poorly designed for combat. A single shot from a Klingon Bird of Prey destroyed the vessel with almost all hands.

Later examples of the class would generally be seen as either exploratory ships or passenger transport vessels. However, despite their design, more would see combat at both Wolf-359 and the battle of sector 001, though these ships were like lambs to the slaughter!

It had a unique design in that the saucer section comprised most of the living and laboratory areas, while the drive section below housed the warp core. The elegant design would best be suited to

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick