Star Trek: First Contact - 5 Things That Worked And 5 That Didn't

3. The Enterprise-E

Star Trek First Contact Uss Enterprise 600x300 The Enterprise-D was always a goofy looking ship to me. It looked good from some angles (usually overhead shots) and while it maintained enough of the basic design to make it recognizable as a ship of the line from the original Enterprise, it just never looked particularly cool. First Contact introduced a brand-new Enterprise and it did not disappoint, taking the best parts of the original/refit Enterprise and the Enterprise-D and combining them into a formidable ship with sleek lines and an overall "Don't mess with the Federation" posture (which would have made an awesome bumper sticker by the impulse engine). The exterior wasn't the only part that got a much needed redesign; instead of looking like a day care, the interior was now darker and more down to business with an almost militaristic hue. There may still be kids somewhere on the Enterprise-E - but it no longer looks like they might walk onto the bridge and start playing dolls at any given moment.

A What Culture writer since October 2013, I write about whatever interests me at the moment, which usually involves comics, sports, films, television, sci-fi, video games, and current events. Mostly I write as a stress release; it's cheaper than drinking and keeps me out of trouble. Most of the time, anyway.