Star Trek Into Darkness: 10 Plot Rumours We Hope Are True

6. Carol Marcus Will Start Kirk's Love Life

6 carol marcus By this I mean Kirk's real love life, rather than just hooking up with green chicks at the academy (itself, a nice original series reference). After early speculation and some character appearance comparisons were made, we know that Alice Eve will actually be playing Carol Marcus, a scientist from the original series and Wrath of Khan, when we learn she and Kirk had a falling out but they did have a son together. What is unclear, though, is how far they will take the romance these characters could potentially have. You don't want to have the romance be a distraction to the main threat of the film but at the same time specifically introducing Carol Marcus, rather than having Eve play a new character serves only so many purposes. It's almost certain Marcus and Kirk will start something together, hopefully in small strides in the upcoming film as this means we might see Kirk grow as a character and start leaning towards starting a family to repair himself from the absence of his previous one.

A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24