Star Trek Into Darkness: 10 Plot Rumours We Hope Are True

3. It Will Kick Start A New TV Show

3 academy I don't mean to ask too deep of a question here, but what is Star Trek about? Is it not to explore strange new worlds? Is it not to seek out new life and new civilisations? Is it to go where no man has gone before and to do so in a style which can be described as 'boldly'? I believe so, which begs the question, is Into Darkness going to be doing any of this? Likely not and I'm not saying it will be a detriment to the film. It looks to be an exciting, action-packed, tension filled thrill ride, but we're going in expecting a man-hunt rather than an adventure. The adventure should come from the rumoured Star Fleet Academy series that would be based on Earth, but of course can see Star Fleet officers go on missions to explore the final frontier. Tie it in the to new universe by making Admiral Pike your lead man and you've got the franchise back on the small screen once again with limitless possibilities. Of course, it would be expensive but it's far from a gamble when you consider how much of a success the rebooted film was and newest film and video game look to be.

A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24