Star Trek Into Darkness: 5 Reasons It's The Best Star Trek Movie Yet

1. Emotional Investment In Plot & Characters

star trek spock kirk

From viewing the trailers alone, it is clear that Star Trek Into Darkness would be the kind of film that would allow audiences to invest in the characters and be emotionally engaged in the plot. The story and the performances make that possible and Star Trek Into Darkness is successful in making an emotionally engaging experience for audiences. The presence of Khan and what his purpose in the film means for his adversaries alone is enough to allow viewers to invest in the movie but through the writing and the performances, audiences know why they should dislike Khan or feel bad for liking him because Cumberbatch's portrayal is exactly what makes up an adversary for the protagonists. Chris Pine is excellent as Jim Kirk as is Zachary Quinto as Spock in addition to the respective roles each of the actors play in the film. Star Trek Into Darkness is a success because the film achieves what may appear to be simple but is not always easy to accomplish. The movie gives audiences legitimate reasons why they should be emotionally engaged in the plot and the roles of the individual characters in the film. So what do you think? Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments section below.

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