Star Wars: 10 Awesome Ideas Disney Must Include In Episode X

8. The New Jedi Order Should Be More Balanced

Kylo Kid

There's no getting away from the Jedi in Star Wars, they are synonymous with the universe. If the sequel trilogy got one thing right it was highlighting how defunct the Jedi had become, though, not just in the Universe, but as instrumental characters to the plot. The Jedi need a makeover.

During the Last Jedi we saw the symbolic and physical end of the last remnants of the old Order. Luke witnessed the burning of the First Jedi Temple along with all the sacred texts.

Yoda then explained that Rey knew all the wisdom contained in the texts, and that it was indeed time for the Jedi to end. But of course, he only meant the Jedi must end as they currently exist. The same idea is mirrored when Rey buried Luke and Leia's lightsabers at the end of Rise of Skywalker, symbolically this put the old Order to rest, signifying the start of a new one.

It is likely that Episode X will show us how Rey rebuilt the Jedi Order from scratch. The Jedi of the new era will be far more in tune with both the Light and Dark sides of the Force, which will certainly help them confront any new threats from the Unknown Regions...


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.