Star Wars: 10 Awkward Prequel Moments Fans Will Never Forget
These Star Wars moments absolutely belong in a galaxy far, far away.

Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises in human history. The story, the characters, the settings, the weapons, the Force. These ideas have become ingrained so deeply inside Sci-Fi culture and even just worldwide pop culture.
However, for a series of films that have spawned several hundreds of classic spinoff tv shows, books, comics, video games, toys, and other movies, the mainstream series of now nine Star Wars films have a very mixed bag of emotions that well up from the community at large.
The recent trilogy made under the watchful eye of Disney is one of the most mixed with two films that were panned by critics and fans alike. But before Disney bought the rights to the classic story of good versus evil, there was George Lucas's second trilogy of Star Wars films labeled as the prequels.
These three films were supposed to be a way of showing how everything in the classic trilogy started, the origins of Darth Vader and the Emperor, the clone wars, Obiwan Kenobi as a true Jedi knight. these were all things that fans were promised and they mostly got.
Unfortunately, fans of the galaxy far, far away were also given some overwhelmingly awkward moments and lines in the prequels, most of which now lives on as simply memes to insult the prequels for their failure to really recapture the spark that began in the beloved first film that is now called episode 4.
10. Now THIS Is Pod-racing

When old Obi-Wan Kenobi remorsefully reflected on Luke Skywalker's father in A New Hope, he talked about how Anakin was one of the greatest star pilots in the galaxy. However, he failed to mention just how Anakin started his career as an ace starfighter pilot.
In Episode 1, fans had to watch a very young Darth Vader basically get forced into a Naboo starfighter with R2D2 somehow ending up as his astromech assistant. After being told by Qui-gon Jin to stay inside the cockpit no matter what, the auto navigation kicks in and sends Anakin right into a massive space battle against a trade federation droid control ship.
Anakin, who has never flown a starship, somehow uses his podracing skills and a lot of the force to slip between deadly droid fighters and literally by accident blows the entire destroyer up for the inside. After which he exclaims "Now THIS is podracing!"
The line was intended to show how exciting space warfare was to your Skywalker and how he began his journey as a star pilot, but it does end up feeling strange making Anakin a mass murderer already at the age of 10, due to all the Neimoidian lives lost on that droid destroyer, as well as simply being an awkward line at the beginning of an awkward trilogy.