Star Wars: 10 Best Ever Uses Of The Force
3. Great Shot Kid! That Was One In A Million! - A New Hope
As Luke is zooming down the Death Star trench in his X-Wing, he’s alone and carries the last hope of saving the day on his young shoulders. Vader is in deadly pursuit, having obliterated most of Luke’s fellow pilots in his TIE fighter. Han suddenly appears in the Falcon (you can only assume Chewie badgered him into returning to the fight) and clears the way for Luke’s final run.
As the tension ratchets up, Obi-Wan’s calming voice washes over Luke, advising him to take aim via the Force, rather than the targeting computer.
Luke believes. We believe. He switches off the computer, takes aim and blows the Death Star to hell, just in the nick of time. It’s perhaps fortunate though that the Rebel Alliance is run by old Force hippies who felt cool about him taking such an almighty risk: the film otherwise might have ended with the total downer of a court martial.