Star Wars: 10 Best Pieces Of The Expanded Universe

5. Mara Jade

By the time the original Star Wars trilogy played itself out, fans had been introduced to myriad of incredible characters. They ranged from human to alien of all shapes, sizes and loyalties. Within that vast menagerie of company, only one female had much of a story line, albeit an extremely important one. Princess Leia was clearly a principal player with a strong countenance in the midst of galactic civil war. But that was it. No one else. It was the prototypical €œold boys network€. That is, until Mara Jade announced her arrival. Seldom is there seen a female character like Mara Jade. Tough, seasoned, more than capable in a battle - and to boot - the former Emperor€™s Hand. Mara Jade was an extremely complex character, competent yet flawed. She had a deeply rooted hatred of Luke Skywalker and vowed to kill him in revenge for the death of the Emperor, which had thrown her life into complete chaos. Through patience and understanding, Luke promised to help her break the hold the dead Emperor had on her and eventually, she succeeded. In the end, Luke ended up marrying Jade and they had a son together. Alas, poor Luke is now a widower, and Mara's amazing character arc and story will never be seen.
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A self professed Stephen King/Star Wars geek and pop culture neophyte, Scott tends to spend much of his time alone pondering life's greatest mysteries.....he also depends heavily on his son Liam, a great sounding board, to set him straight on Star Wars issues and gives him advice on what EXACTLY he's doing wrong.