Star Wars: 10 Brilliant Changes George Lucas Made To His Saga

7. Removing Luke's Scream

Scream With three different special editions of the films, Lucas has had ample time to go back on the changes he€™s made. Although Greedo still shoots at Han (albeit at the same time now), we've seen some of the more erroneous mistakes corrected; Jabba in A New Hope remains superfluous, but he now looks less cartoony and a trilogy-wide colouring issue on the 2004 DVD was corrected on the Blu-Ray. The biggest correction, however, comes in The Empire Strikes Back, the least tampered with movie of the originals. For some reason that no one seems to be able to grasp, the 1997 Special Edition adds in a scream when Luke throws himself down the air chute-thing in Cloud City. Aside from being narratively flawed - why would Luke scream when he€™s made the decision to throw himself off - the lazy origin of the scream makes it ridiculously dumb; it€™s the Emperor€™s death cry from Return Of The Jedi. Realising his stupidity, Lucas removed the sound bite for the DVD. Here€™s hoping in future releases more changes are removed.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.