Star Wars: 10 Brilliant Changes George Lucas Made To His Saga

6. Cutting Down Vader's Noooo


Yes, despite many people not realising, Lucas did tinker with the prequels when they came out on DVD. The biggest changes were made to The Phantom Menace - the pod race was extended and that pointless air taxi scene was integrated - but the best decision made upon their immediate release (there€™s another change that was made later for the Blu-Ray still to come) was fixing a major fan complaint. It clearly wasn't planned, but when Darth Vader hears of Padme€™s death audiences the world over laughed away at his comic €˜NOOOOOOOO!€™. It was just so far away from everything we€™d seen of the masked character in previous films and tonally left us too far away from the original Star Wars, which is narratively just a few minutes away. Clearly Lucas heeded the massive backlash, because the line in the DVD version is considerably shorter. That€™s right - the €˜Nooo€™ you've been listening to for the past eight years at home is a fraction of the one we originally experienced. And a good thing it was. Now it€™s just about possible to make it through Episode III without bursting out laughing at the dialogue; it's only shortened slightly, but the change had a big impact.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.