Star Wars: 10 Brilliant Changes George Lucas Made To His Saga

5. James Earl Jones Gets His Dues


Everyone knows James Earl Jones was the voice of Darth Vader. He was a much bigger part in creating that character than David Prowse was as the literal man in the suit; anyone could walk around menacingly, but no one else could pull off the same brilliant voice. But, criminally you could say, he wasn't credited for the first two films of the original trilogy. Well, criminally until you realise the reason why; Jones didn't think he deserved it. Following on from a previous controversy relating to Mercedes McCambridge as the voice of the devil coming from Regan in The Exorcist, Jones believed he was a mere special effect, adding to, but not defining, the character. However, when the films turned towards Vader€™s story and Jones saw the effect of his voice, he decided to allow himself to be credited for Return Of The Jedi. And, when it came around to the Special Editions, he was finally given a credit as the voice in A New Hope and Empire. A small change, but a much deserved and important one. Oddly enough, Jones still isn't credited for Revenge Of The Sith, leading to rumours it wasn't him that voiced Vader€™s final movie appearance. Even the actor himself doesn't seem to know.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.