Star Wars: 10 Classic Characters Who Need Their Own Movie

10. Chewbacca

Chewbacca Everyone's favourite wookie, Chewie is perhaps one of the most famous and well-loved characters from Star Wars-lore. Although he may never utter any words in English, he's still a lovable beast who is presented as strong, heroic and charismatic. With so many fans, an eventual Chewie spin-off is probably inevitable, which is incredibly exciting. Whilst the entire movie being in subtitles could be seen as tacky or a bit of a hassle for a Disney films, the language barrier could easily be solved by teaming Chewbacca up with a few human counterparts or sidekicks, perhaps Han Solo or even someone brand new. Having a glimpse of him in Revenge of the Sith made this prospect only the more anticipated; raising the tantalising ideas of Chewbacca fighting in a grand and proud Wookie army, before he became a slave to the Empire. Or how about the tale of how Chewie and Han first met, told from the former's perspective? There's also always the possibility of exploring what he got up to after the fall of the Empire. Did he stay with Han and Leia? Or is it more likely that he ventured out into the universe and resumed his criminal lifestyle? We may all feel like we know Chewbacca, but discounting the Holiday Special, what do we really know about him? We don't know his origins, his true personality or the adventures he took part in before Han was even born. Obviously, the expanded universe is out there to answer all of these questions, but surely it's time to see such a great character in his own film.
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