Star Wars: 10 Classic Characters Who Need Their Own Movie

9. Ahsoka Tano

I'd imagine this is a far more controversial choice than Chewbacca, but while Ahsoka may not be a classic character yet, if she does end up surviving the Clone Wars and Order 66, she could just become one of the franchise's most treasured assets. Introduced just a few years ago in The Clone Wars television series, Ahsoka was at first detested by the fans, but over the seasons has grown to become a powerful and confident Jedi and has undoubtedly earned the hearts of those who once hated her. It's also important to remember that Ahsoka is the first female Jedi to be a main character, no doubt meaning many of Star Wars younger and female fans will cite her as their favourite and would be a substantial part of a spin-off's target audience. Apart from Dave Filloni, no one truly knows what Ahsoka's fate will be in the series, yet we can hope and assume she will survive and somehow make it out of the oncoming Jedi massacre led by her current master. If Ahsoka were to survive, the spin-offs which could spawn from her adulthood in the galaxy would be significant. A film based around Ahsoka's exile as the Empire both rises and falls has the potential to be wonderful: a female lead who is needlessly cool to both men and women watching and who has the emotional depth and complexities as a character - with her evident frustration and anxiety - to lead a movie. Set in the deepest depths on a horrid hole of a planet or spanning the stars and imperial fleets, Ahsoka's future and sole adventures could range from small excursions to gigantic battles and would no doubt feature more fantastic lightsabre action and an evolution of this ever-changing and growing character. A spin-off for Ahsoka could also be the opportunity to transfer the stunning and beautiful visuals of the television series to the big screen. It would also feature Ahsoka being betrayed by her master and losing every friend and ideal she had dealing with these demons. It seems like far too good a prospect to pass up on.
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