Star Wars: 10 Coolest Moments in The Expanded Universe

9. The Yuuzhan Vong

wonga These aliens were kinda weird. They came on ships from outside the galaxy. They followed a religion that considered all inorganic technologies heresy (their ships and weapons were alive), and they saw pain as a holy experience. And they were pretty much the most badass warriors ever. The Vong invaded the galaxy and managed to conquer most of it, in an EU arc that lasted years and covered more than a dozen books. They were invisible to the Force, and they gave many Jedi some very epic battles. Yuuzhan_Vong_by_Chris_Scalf

8. Invasion Of Coruscant

invasion of coruscant Coruscant becomes the capitol of the New Republic, and the home planet of the second Skywalker-Solo generation. It€™s a world that is explored in countless novels and graphic novels, an endless font of stories. And as the capitol of the Republic, it€™s a big damn deal when it€™s invaded. The Vong manage to penetrate all the way to Coruscant, marking the high point of their invasion of the galaxy. They completely take over the world, then go about €œfixing it.€ Remember, Vong consider all inorganics inherently evil. So they alter the course of the planet€™s orbit to bring it closer to the sun, then proceed to dismantle the entire city-planet and reshape it in their image. It€™s very, very epic.
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at and her reading blog at