Star Wars: 10 Giant Plot-Holes You Probably Missed

2. Ben Kenobi is Senile

Star Wars This is where the chronology of the Star Wars films really screws itself over. Star Wars: A New Hope was released as a single film, which was then expanded into a trilogy, and then into six films (and now nine). It's the final three that confuse the hell out of most things ol' Ben says. For example, he mentions that Luke's father wanted him to have the lightsaber, which would have to be a sneaky lie for a wise old Jedi in order for it to make sense. Then come the bigger guns in the 'Why did the prequels have to f**k things up' army. Why doesn't Kenobi recognise the two droids that he so faithfully worked with for many years? Yes, there are a lot of droids out there and yes it has been nearly twenty years since their last meeting (even if Obi-Wan seems to have aged by forty), but for Obi-Wan to see an astromech in R2's colour scheme, accompanied by a very familiar looking accomplice, and not even commenting on whether it is them or not is ridiculous. Kenobi also fails to really prepare for Luke's arrival; his plan is to watch over Luke and await the time where they can go defeat the Empire, but in that time he can't manage to commandeer a ship, instead relying on a shifty conman with a shiftier ship to get them places. He also mentions the fact he will become more powerful than Vader can imagine, but that power can't do jack in the real world. Nice, Obi-Wan, really thinking about the whole team on that one.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.