Star Wars: 10 Greatest Disturbances In The Force

1. The Skywalkers' Cosmic Connection

Star Wars Force Disturbance 2
20th Century Fox

The most powerful and positive disturbance is the ongoing feelings shared between Luke and Anakin Skywalker. 

Defying all odds and ancient understanding, their connection is awe-inspiring, extremely powerful, and downright heartwarming when you consider Luke somehow manages to sense the conflict in Vader after Yoda and Obi-Wan had long since written him off. Whereas Yoda and Obi-Wan knew Anakin, Luke didn't and could only dig deep within the Force to feel his father out and ultimately prove two of the most knowledgable Jedi wrong.

Throughout the trilogy, their bond progresses until Vader initiates contact with the infamous Empire epiphany. Vader admits his parental position and betrays the Emperor by inviting Luke to rule over the galaxy with him as father and son. Granted, he was also trying to turn Luke to the dark side, but an absentee father has to start somewhere.

Luke then reciprocates in Return Of The Jedi. Despite the naysayers, the disturbance felt solely between Skywalkers allows Luke to realize his father's conflict and is willing to sacrifice himself to prove it. The metaphysical love between the two is a result of the Force in action; an ongoing disturbance powerful enough to defy the dark side and redeem Anakin Skywalker once and for all. 

Their relationship largely exists solely as a disturbance, yet through the Force their bond becomes one of the most endearing in cinematic history.

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Aaron is a teacher who loves the classics and making connections between everything from Beethoven to Star Wars. If he had all the money in the world, he would travel, study music, and write. Due to financial restrictions, he's hoping you'll let him crash on your couch over the summer.