Star Wars: 10 Greatest Disturbances In The Force

2. Anakin's Entire Existence

Star Wars Force Disturbance 2

Anakin's entire life causes a prophetic alteration of an entire universe. It's a messy process, but in fulfilling his disruptive duties as a living, breathing disturbance, there are constant signs indicating his presence affects everything.

Created by the Force, even Anakin's conception is the result of a disturbance. From the films we learn the power to manipulate life through the Force exists as described by Palpatine to Anakin during their discussion at the lasor light show. It is implied the only two beings who have harnessed this power of creation are Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidius. Regardless whether Anakin's birth came spontaneously from the Force or involves darker origins is debatable, but no doubt his miraculous manifestation and subsequent existence is in fact a great disturbance.

A strong argument could be made this is the greatest disturbance of all time since Anakin life is one nonstop disturbance in the Force, but the one that tops this is the one that trumps it...

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Aaron is a teacher who loves the classics and making connections between everything from Beethoven to Star Wars. If he had all the money in the world, he would travel, study music, and write. Due to financial restrictions, he's hoping you'll let him crash on your couch over the summer.