Star Wars: 10 Greatest Disturbances In The Force

3. The Death Of Padme

Star Wars Force Disturbance 2

When Anakin's anger kills Padme, the deed is done by a disturbance in the Force, placing her death in the top three of all time greatest disturbances. Padme did not have knowledge in the Force, but as a living being she was not free from it when her connection with Anakin unintentionally ends her life. 

Anakin and Padme's tragedy is the result of a dangerous reality regarding love and the Force where even the most gifted person cannot control the way love will mess with their supernatural abilities. When overpowered by strong feelings of affection, an individual loses control over the Force in the same way they lose control over their emotions, which justifies the creepy, controversial requirement for all Jedi to remain celibate. 

Aside from galactic order, Anakin's one goal was to protect Padme, yet his passions fuel the hate causing her death.

When the disturbance destroys Padme it seals the deal for Darth. From that point on, any remnant of Anakin is lost and he ceases to exist. The burden becomes Vader's void, filled by hate as tragedy turns to tyranny when the machined man is unleashed upon the galaxy.

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Aaron is a teacher who loves the classics and making connections between everything from Beethoven to Star Wars. If he had all the money in the world, he would travel, study music, and write. Due to financial restrictions, he's hoping you'll let him crash on your couch over the summer.