Star Wars: 10 Ideas For A New Disney+ Series

9. A Death Star Workplace Comedy Series

Star Wars: Underworld

Satirizing the Death Star might have already been done before by the likes of Family Guy, Saturday Night Live, Robot Chicken and even hilarious stand-up routines by Eddie Izzard. But while those sketches made observational comparisons to reality, they didn't dig deeply into the hilarious lunacy of life on the Death Star.

Within the sterile grey and black corridors of a gigantic laser-cannon space ship, there resides the potential for a workplace sitcom that follows several disgruntled employees on board.

The Death Star might be a big, scary, fortress of evil, but it certainly isn't exempt from potentially being the best set-piece for a Thick Of It style comedy series where the Rebels defeating the Empire could literally be a comedy of errors where officers on board frantically try to navigate around.

The series has the potential to also be a vessel for the writers and fans of Star Wars to break the fourth wall (to an extent) and acknowledge some of the sillier aspects about the universe as a whole;

Have scenes in which Empire troops have to tiredly kill time as the Death Star rotates slowly to get in line with a planet it's about to destroy. Or make note of the excruciatingly high standards set by the Emperor, and how the officers play the blame-game whenever Vader or Palpatine make an impromptu visit.

Everything in Star Wars is so serious these days, maybe it could do with a little light relief?


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!