Star Wars: 10 Massive Plot Holes The Prequels Stupidly Created

1. Was Every Word Out Of Obi-Wan's Mouth A Lie Or Was He Just Senile?


Here'€™s a plot hole the original trilogy partially created and solved in it€™s run time. It wasn't until the second draft of Empire that Lucas decided Vader was Luke€™s father, which led to a few inconsistencies. Any reference to Anakin in A New Hope was wrong and even some of Empire made no sense; the Emperor and Vader are being way too cryptic in their conversation given what they know, made worse by the new dialogue in the special edition name-checking Anakin.

The problem was dealt with in ROTJ by Obi-Wan revealing he lied to protect Luke. Hokey, but believable. Hopefully Lucas would make the same contradictory mistake again.

Well he did. Now much of what Obi-Wan says in A New Hope is terribly incorrect. Here€™s just a selection of the buffet of falsities Obi-Wan claims in the original trilogy that the prequels turn into massive plot holes:

Why didn't he remember R2 and 3PO? Why did he say Anakin wanted Luke to have his lightsaber when another lie would have been more efficient? Why did he say Owen didn't want Luke to follow him as Anakin had? Anakin didn'€™t follow Obi-Wan and Owen hardly knew his (step) brother. Why did he say Yoda trained him? And the quick solution of Yoda training younglings in AOTC doesn't count. Why did he call Vader a ceremonial name, Darth, in their confrontation? Throughout the originals it was assumed Darth Vader was an actual name Anakin had adopted, but Obi-Wan knew it was a title used by all Sith.

There'€™s no explanation for these inconsistencies from any point of view. Is Obi-Wan flat out lying to influence Luke (which makes the Family Guy version of the character less creepy than the real version) or has he just gone senile in his old age (even though he'€™s not that old). It all comes from Lucas not watching his older films before making their prequels.

Well there you have it, ten major plot holes in Star Wars that could have been easily avoided. Are there any more you'd like to add? Or do you have solution to one we've raised? Let us know what you think in the comments below.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.