Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Dark Side Force Users

4. Kylo Ren

Star Wars Darth Bane

Kylo Ren's power lay in his ability to often balance the Light and Dark side. He was no Sith Lord, and he wasn't a Jedi any longer.

He wasn't completely committed to either side of the Force, and this enabled him to use powers associated with both sides, and he wasn't constricted by one ideology.

Kylo was an intelligent leader, and defeated the Palpatine-controlled Supreme Leader Snoke, becoming Supreme Leader of the First Order himself. He was a skilled pilot, and attempted to show his loyalty to the Dark Side by murdering his father, Han Solo.

He purged Luke Skywalker's new Jedi Order, and forced his old master into exile, on Ahch-To. He defeated the Knights of Ren, and ensured that Rey was able to bring down Palpatine once and for all.

A formidable Force user, Ren's ability to balance the Light and Dark evoked the power of Revan, from Star Wars Legends.

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