Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Sith Lords

5. Marka Ragnos - The Golden Age Ruler

Star Wars Sith Lords

Marka Ragnos is the oldest character on this list, both in terms of birth date and the length of time he was alive.

He was born back in the Sith's earlier, less fanatical days and worked his way to the top through brute force before ruling the galaxy for over a hundred years in the order's "Golden Age". Existing so strongly and undisputed for so long was never matched again, making him in many ways an archaic pinnacle.

After his death he showed even more power. He became a Force ghost, allowing him to play a part in deciding his mortal successor, then a thousand years later sparked Jedi Exar Kun to turn to the Dark Side, bringing hellfire down on the Jedi, and was only put to rest when menacing the students of Luke's Jedi Academy.

The only mark against him is that he didn't really strike at the heart of the Jedi while in power, instead existing out in deep space, although isn't there something even more impressive about finding a sense of peace?

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.