Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Sith Lords

3. Vitiate - The Sith Emperor

Star Wars Sith Lords

Vitiate is a mixture of the old-age Sith mystical and the future political powerhouses; he existed around the same time as Marka Ragnos, but after the Dark Lord's death didn't fight for control like Naga Sadow, instead sitting back while the Great Hyperspace War unfolded and, once Sadow exiled himself on Yavin IV, took up control of the Sith Empire and, through body-swapping, ruled it for over a thousand years. His real coup, however, was letting other groups in the galaxy destroy themselves before seizing ultimate power.

There's a lot of intelligence, Force skill and political manoeuvring in that summary alone, and that's without getting into his actions, which for a relatively newly elaborated character go very in-depth.

A known presence in Galactic history, he wasn't given character or even a name until The Old Republic MMORPG (and its surrounding material), making him the newest addition to the canon on this list (all the other pre-Episode characters come from those nineties stories or, in Revan's case, Knights Of The Old Republic), possibly explaining just how extreme he is - the producers wanted someone series-dominatingly OP'd. They succeeded.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.