Star Wars: 10 Most Powerful Sith Lords

2. Darth Plagueis - The Death Cheater

Star Wars Sith Lords

The Wise Sith Lord’s part in Star Wars lore may have been expanded greatly by the partially canon novel Darth Plagueis, but everything that makes him so obscenely powerful comes from his single mention in the movies. During Revenge Of The Sith’s opera scene, Palpatine tells Anakin the legend of a Sith Lord who had the ability to keep people from dying – making immortality the Sith version of Jedi Force ghosts - and even create life, something that pushes him above political manoeuvring or fancy saber duels; taking life is ‘easy’, creating it is a miracle.

However, as superficially powerful as he may have been, he lacked a true awareness or understanding of his own mortality, and was killed by his apprentice while he slept, the classic way the Rule of Two went. Like with Naga Sadow, however, that's a small mar on a massive life.

There is a very popular fan theory that Plagueis actually survived and became Snoke, meaning that he outlived the Sith. If this is proven to be true in Episode VIII or IX, then feel free to bump him right to the top spot.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.