Star Wars: 10 Most Ridiculous Stories From The Expanded Universe

1. Arranged Marriages, Kidnapping, Witches Riding Rancors, C3P0's Epic Freestyle About Han Solo

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By the time this 1994 bestselling novel hit bookstores, the Star Wars Expanded Universe had already established that scruffy nerf herder Han Solo and the spunky Princess Leia ended up happily ever after. However because the Internet was still in its infancy, fan fiction of just how these two crazy kids got together was noticeably absent.

Luckily, The Courtship of Princess Leia was published and fans the world over were treated to one of the most bizarre stories in the entire Star Wars EU. It’s a confusing and flat out hysterical ride, but I’ll try and summarise it as best I can. After the events of Return of the Jedi, the remnants of the Empire are still a thorn in everyone’s side. The Rebellion, strapped for cash, reaches out to a wealthy planet that no one has ever heard of until now. This planet promises to assist the Rebel Alliance on one condition, Leia marries their prince.

Upon learning that Leia is considering the proposition, a jealous Han Solo goes to sulk in some seedy bar. Thinking he doesn’t stack up to this wealthy prince, Han engages in some high stakes gambling, where he wins a planet. Thinking that Leia will be impressed by his ill gotten gains, Han kidnaps her and absconds to his new planet.

Just to recap, we have an arranged marriage and a kidnapping. Sounds more like a screwball comedy than Star Wars to me. Of course this is just the beginning of the batsh*t insanity that goes on in this book. There is a bizarre buddy cop subplot featuring Luke Skywalker and Leia’s would-be husband, Force-sensitive witches who ride around on Rancors and a song composed by C-3PO titled The Virtues of King Han Solo where he praises Solo’s prowess with both Wookiees and women. Wow.

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Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.