Star Wars: 10 Most Ruthless Imperial Officers

1. Grand Moff Tarkin

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Governor Wilhuff Tarkin was a composed military leader, politician, controller of the Death Star, and ruthless acolyte of the Empire.

A protege of the Emperor himself, Tarkin was raised on the dangerous world of Eriadu. He rose through militaries and governments until he was at the centre of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Distrustful of his Jedi generals and working closely with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Tarkin was often an opposing force and advocate for a new order.

Near the end of the Clone Wars, the young Tarkin relished in expelling Jedi Ahsoka Tano from the Order under the belief she had bombed the Jedi Temple. When her name was cleared, Tarkin's views on the Jedi and their sorcerous ways remained unchanged.

Tarkin gained a high rank in Palpatine's new Galactic Empire after the fall of the Jedi and used his newfound power to govern and subjugate entire systems. Becoming a Grand Moff, he terrorised the Galaxy with the Empire's rule and set his sights on stamping out any signs of rebellion.

By Rogue One, he had claimed control over the Death Star and oversaw the destruction of Jedha and Scarif. Tarkin had amassed more power and support from the Emperor and the Imperial armada than anyone else. Even Darth Vader had mutual respect for the Grand Moff - who appeared to be the only person, other than the Emperor, that he answered to.

Keeping Vader on a tight leash, Tarkin ordered the Sith Lord to apprehend Princess Leia of Alderaan. Together they tortured her for information regarding the secret Rebel base. When the Governor saw through Leia's lies and was dissatisfied with her performance, he enacted a terrible fate on her home planet as punishment.

Demonstrating the Death Star's ultimate power, Tarkin destroyed Alderaan and its billions of inhabitants in seconds. Uncaring, he then continued his mission of pursuing the Rebels and planned to use his superweapon on their base.

The Death Star would become this ruthless leader's tomb, as his misplaced belief in its invincibility and the power of the Force was his ultimate downfall.

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.