Star Wars: 10 Most Underrated Sequences

2. The Senate Awakens - Revenge Of The Sith

Yoda had already produced one of the craziest and most inspired battle scenes in the Star Wars canon, when he switched on his lightsaber to take on the late Christopher Lee's Count Dooku in Attack Of The Clones. Around the world millions of fans held their breath and thought: "Could they...? Would they...?" And they did, as the little green man par excellence unleashed hell on the Count in a flurry of ears and electricity. It was a mix of the hilarious and the death-defying. Lucas repeated the trick toward the end of Episode III, when the forces of good and evil came to blows in the quiet surroundings of the Senate. Yoda battling Dooku was good, and Lee's presence lent it no small degree of gravitas. But this was the greatest confrontation of Yoda's hoodie-wearing career - Jedi Master meets Sith Sorceror. The pair quite literally tore the place apart in pursuit of victory. It was also a point of release for Star Wars addicts, who'd found the political wranglings underpinning the prequels to be drier than a Tusken Raider's unmentionables. The debating chamber played host to a colossal level of mayhem... and about time! Instead of going to see The Force Awakens for the eighty-eighth time, stick this in your player and relive a truly epic Star Wars moment... then go and see The Force Awakens for the eighty-eighth time.
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I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.