Star Wars: 10 Most Underrated Sequences

1. Getting A Mauling - The Phantom Menace

Episode I contains what I think to be the most underrated action scene in the franchise's history. It certainly thrilled audiences at the time, but got unjustly drowned out by the reactions to the cutesy pre-Stormtooper droids and of course the flailing antics of Jar Jar. Darth Maul's fleeting set-to with Qui Gon-Jinn was just the warm up for an exciting and innovative lightsaber fight that injected undiluted War directly into the throbbing vein of Star Wars. Maul wasn't just a bad guy with a deadly weapon. He packed a double-ended saber for Yoda's sake! J.J.Abrams devised a laser sword with a hilt for The Force Awakens, but that was gimmicky compared to this development. Two blades meant of course that the red and black renegade could fend off two attackers. And what attackers they were, in the forms of Jinn and Obi Wan. Apart from the choreography you had the way Lucas assembled the sequence, cleverly breaking up the frenetics with a forcefield that separated the characters, most notably just after the slaying of Jinn. This meant Ewan McGregor had to do his best angry teddy bear face in the run up to the barrier coming down, allowing him a pop at his mentor's murderer - outstanding drama! Combine that with John Williams' heart-pummelling score and you've got enough oomph to detonate a dozen Death Stars. Do you agree with this list? Are these sequences underrated, or is the writer talking out of his main thruster? Let us know in the comments section...
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I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.