Star Wars: 10 Reasons Duel Of The Fates Would've Been Way Better Than Rise Of Skywalker

1. The Epic Conclusion

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

Although I am not the biggest fan of The Rise of Skywalker I think the final showdown between Rey, Ben and Palpatine had some decent moments in it. It's always fun to see Palpatine shoot lightning out of his finger tips and Ben sacrificing his life for Rey was nothing short of heartwarming. Interestingly, there are some similarities to the DOTF ending in its final battle.

Rey and Kylo face off outside the temple of Mortis and, after some chit chat about the light and the dark being inside all of us, he slices Rey's face leaving her blind. When he enters the temple, he finds there is no well of power. Rey turns to face Ren again with a bandage around her eyes and slices off the hilt of his lightsaber, along with some of his fingers.

In an act of desperation, he sucks the life force out of her, healing himself and leaving Rey dead on the floor. Princess Leia then uses the force to reach out to him, convincing Ben to heal Rey and sacrifice himself.

The film concludes with Rey training the next generation of young Jedi, teaching them that the true balance of the Force comes from within.

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