Star Wars: 10 Reasons Duel Of The Fates Would've Been Way Better Than Rise Of Skywalker

6. Kylo Ren Is Haunted By The Ghost Of Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

As I mentioned previously, whilst Rose, Poe, Hux et al, are firing their blasters wildly into the air in a massive shoot-out on Coruscant, Kylo Ren is on his own quest which involves trying to find the lair of a great Sith (and Palpatine's old master), Tor Valum.

Although the concept art shows him to be a sort of frog/spider hybrid, he teaches Ren how to master some truly horrific force skills. Similar to TROS, Kylo Ren goes to Mustafar in search of a Holocron but on his travels, he has an unwelcome companion.

After his death in The Last Jedi, Luke Skywalker has become one with the Force but instead of spending his downtime hanging out with Yoda and his dad, he decides to haunt his nephew and try to turn him to the light. What's more, the dialogue written between the two characters is incredible and it would have been electrifying to see these two great actors go head to head in a battle for Kylo's soul.

Luke also makes a timely appearance in the final battle to block Kylo Ren's lightsaber from killing Rey - with his hand!


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