Star Wars: 10 Reasons Duel Of The Fates Would've Been Way Better Than Rise Of Skywalker

7. Rey Has A Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

I would have loved to have heard Trevorrow's thinking behind changing up Rey's blade. "Yeah, lightsabers are cool. But a DOUBLE lightsaber is where it's at!" I'm sure if he could, he would have given Rey a triple lightsaber somehow.

Indeed, based on the majority of the released Duel of the Fates concept art, we can see that Rey is indeed packing twice the heat as the first one. And, to be honest, it makes a lot of sense. Before she was given her lightsaber, Rey's weapon of choice was her stick which she wielded like a younger, less pointier Darth Maul.

Considering also that her lightsaber was destroyed in a game of force-tug-of-war between her and Kylo Ren in The Last Jedi, it would make sense for her to make a weapon she was familiar with.

Oh, and let's not forget that everything about a double-bladed lightsaber is awesome. Darth Maul? Awesome. Getting a chance to use one in Fallen Order? Awesome. Having a toy one and accidentally poking your cat in the eye with it? Less awesome. (Sorry, Tarzan.)


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