Star Wars: 10 Reasons Duel Of The Fates Would've Been Way Better Than Rise Of Skywalker

4. Kylo Ren And The Knights Of Ren Killed Rey's Parents

Star Wars Duel Of The Fates concept art

Ah yes, the great discussion about Rey's parents. I am sure, like me, you spent ages debating with your friends about how Rey is connected to the Star Wars universe. Was she the clone of Luke's hand (my favourite one)? Was she the daughter of Obi-Wan (this gives new meaning to him saying "Rey, these are your first steps")?

Whether or not you liked the Palpatine connection, Trevorrow's script sort of just brushed the whole debate off with little explanation.

In his version, Rey's parents were nobodies and were killed by Kylo Ren and the Knights Of Ren during one of their many purges. What we do discover though, is that during the final fight scene, Ren reveals to Rey that her family name was Solana.

Now, although that literally means nothing, I would also argue that the fact she is a nobody opens up a far more interesting story than bringing back zombie Palpatine only to kill him again.


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