Star Wars: 10 Reasons George Lucas Is Still A Genius

4. Lightsaber Duels Here€™s where I€™m a stanch defender of the prequels. The lightsaber duels in those movies were fantastic. They really took it to another level compared to the original trilogy. Who can say they weren€™t surprised and delighted when Yoda busted out his saber and kicked some butt? And that duel between Vader and Obi-Wan in Episode III; it left us all thinking how lame their match up was in Episode IV (at least in hindsight). Personally, I€™m very much looking forward to seeing what the new films will do to raise the bar even further, and I€™ll go on record saying that I hope they CGI the crap out of Mark Hamill in some lightsaber duels (note to Disney, yes we need to see a sagely Luke Skywalker do his Jedi thing). I mean, they did it with Christopher Lee and he was in his 80s.
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Andrew is a long time Star Wars and Marvel comics fan. He starting writing for because he enjoys writing and having the privilege of sharing his ideas and opinions with other like-minded fans.