Star Wars: 10 Reasons George Lucas Is Still A Genius

2. The Force Is With Him (And Was Created By Him)

Star Wars The force is a pretty cool concept. Not only does it provide a spiritual underpinning for the Star Wars universe without creating a heavy disposition on the film (my college film professor would be so proud), it more importantly gave the Order of Jedi Knights awesome powers like superhuman speed and reflexes, telekinesis and telepathy, to name a few. Of course, this is a great ingredient for movie magic, which is what I imagine was Lucas€™ original intent, but it has gone well beyond that. Let me first say that I don€™t think this is necessarily a good thing, but apparently there is a grass roots movement that urges people to record their religion as Jedi on their nation's census. In fact, it was the most selected "alternative faith" in the 2012 census of England and Wales. Fortunately, it seems that most people who make this claim do it for either their own amusement or in protest against the religion question being included on the census form. So, we can thankfully not get into comparisons between George Lucas and L. Ron Hubbard (phew!).
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Andrew is a long time Star Wars and Marvel comics fan. He starting writing for because he enjoys writing and having the privilege of sharing his ideas and opinions with other like-minded fans.