Star Wars: 10 Reasons Han Solo Spin-Off Is A Great Idea

2. Gangster Dealings and Copious Amounts of Action

han-solo-greedo That's the Han Solo way, isn't it? Shoot first, ask questions later (we're looking at you, re-releases) and don't give a womp rat's ass about anything other than the paycheck. So before Han meets Luke and Leia and grows his heart of gold he's going to be the smuggler we meet at the beginning of A New Hope, only caring about the above. This paves the way for action, gangsters, gambling and general bad behavior. Could Han's own movie lead to the first explicit Star Wars movie? Something above a 12 rating for the increasingly kid friendly series? If the balance could be made perfect, something New Hope and Empire were closest to achieving, then the film will be a riotous success. Maybe even if it goes a little overboard, something that could easily happen if the likes of Rodriguez are given free reign. Not that it is a bad thing.

Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.