Star Wars: 10 Reasons The Galactic Empire Wasn't As Bad As Everyone Thinks

4. The Only Want Order In The Galaxy

As will be touched on in more detail throughout the article the Empire isn€™t looking to commit acts of violence or build huge navies for no reason, it is doing so out of necessity. The galaxy has seen many conflicts in its history, with wars raging across thousands of planets with tremendous loss of life and destruction. The current system of government has never provided the kind of lasting stability and order to create a just and fair galaxy for everyone. The Empire is in place to try to end conflict and bring about long-term peace, something that the democratic Republic has never been able to do completely. The old system of government has never provided the kind of lasting stability and order to create a just and fair galaxy for everyone. It was weak and corrupt, but Palpatine and Vader are looking to change that with a new government that will bring about order. Heck, even the main villain in the original trilogy tells us what his aims are when trying to convince Luke to join him. Vader argues:
€œJoin me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy."

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