Star Wars: 10 Reasons The Galactic Empire Wasn't As Bad As Everyone Thinks

3. Their Worst Acts Are Against Terrorists

The clearest, and definitely the most visually striking, proof of why the Galactic Empire is evil is the fact that it has amassed such a huge navy, created a huge army and devised the most powerful weapon ever seen in the galaxy in the form of the Death Star. If you take this information at face value then it is certainly compelling evidence, but it seems to miss out the most important fact. The Empire it at war with a terrorist organisation that is determined to cause as much destruction and harm to it as is possible. It is hardly surprising that a government facing such an enemy would focus on creating powerful weapons to fight back. The Emperor never uses the Death Star to destroy planets at random; instead, we only ever see it being used against planets being used by the Rebels. They destroy Alderaan amongst claims that it had no weapons and was entirely peaceful but that is not true; it was one of the most important planets to the Rebel Alliance, being the home of important figures such as Princess Leia and Bail Organa and with the population harbouring forces. Unfortunately when fighting such a determined group the Empire was forced to act much more aggressively than it otherwise would have.

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